Sanken Exhibits Their Unique Chromatic Studio Mics at AES NY
Featuring Dual and Single Capsule Cardioids, Condensers, and the Supersonic CO-100K
AES Booth 329

New York, NY, AES 2019 – Sanken is demonstrating the full range of nine unique Sanken Chromatic professional studio microphones at AES, booth #329. The company will feature the CU-51 and CU-55 studio cardioids, the remarkable supersonic wide-range CO-100K omni, along with the recently re-released CU-31 and CU-32 high-input, high transient response, compact condenser mics.
The CU-51 dual-diaphragm condenser mic offers a new dual-capsule design pioneered by Sanken, providing an exacting cardioid pattern ideal for vocals and a wide range of musical applications. The CU-55 cardioid mic features a modern, ultra-compact design, providing a rich vintage sound in a small, lightweight, easy to position package. The CO-100K supersonic wide-range omni-directional condenser mic, with a 20Hz ~ 100kHz range, is the world’s first super wide-band microphone designed specifically for professional high-resolution, high sample rate recording.
Designed for studio recording engineers, producers, musicians and sound designers who demand the highest level of transparent, accurate, and natural sounding recordings, the Sanken Chromatic Series can handle anything from the roughest sounds of a metalcore band to the supernatural realm of symphonic recording.
Sanken Chromatic AES Booth #329
Oct 16th-18th 2019
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
655 W 34th St., New York, NY 10001
Sanken Chromatic Range of 9 Unique Music Mics (click for hi-res image)
Learn more…
Sanken Chromatic Web
AES NY 2019